Aaron Bueg
Adjunct Instructor |
Adam Robison
Instructor |
Aimee Whitescarver
Instructor |
Alan Buchanan
Instructor |
Alesha Lea Anderson
Clinical Instructor |
Allison Foust
Instructor |
Alvin Wipplinger
Instructor |
Amanda Eastep
Accountant II |
(870) 391-3550
C407 |
Amanda Gratton
Instructor |
Amanda Johnson
Instructor |
Amy Brumley
Instructor |
Amy Gipson
RN Instructor |
(870) 391-3169
A100A |
Amy Roberts
Assistant Director of Adult Education |
(870) 391-3196
Andrew Mallory
Instructor |
Andrew Venable
Instructor |
Angel Gabriel
Greenhouse Help |
Angela Ballard
Instructor |
(870) 391-3544
Angeline Carter
Clinical Instructor |
Angie Moix
CNA and MA Program Director |
(870) 391-3140
N101B |
Angie Wright
Advisor |
(870) 391-3276
Anna Edwards
Library Specialist |
(870) 391-4111
L111 |
AnneJanette Cole
Adjunct Instructor |
Annette Robinson
Math Sci Agri Asst Prof |
(870) 391-3320
Anthony Ambrosio
Outdoor Power Equipment Instructor |
(870) 391-3370
Ashley Massengale
Career Coach |
Ashley Reese
Adjunct Instructor |
Ashton Fitchpatrick
Instructor |
Benjamin Kiracofe
RN Clinical Instructor |
(870) 391-3561
Billy Conklin
Lab Instructor |
Bob Mouser
Board of Trustees |
Bobby Howard
Faculty/Women'sBasketball Coach/Athletic Director |
(870) 391-3282
G200C |
Bobby Little
Maintenance Coordinator |
(870) 391-3124
Brandon Cone
Marketing Coordinator |
(870) 391-3556
M134G |
Brenda Lane
Database Analyst |
(870) 391-3275
M149 |
Brent Hogan
Instructor |
Brent Long
Student Accounts Supervisor |
(870) 391-3219
M182 |
Brian Unruh
Instructor |
Brigette Kampfe
Science Instructor |
(870) 391-3281
S206G |
Brittany Harris
CPI Academic Advisor |
(870) 391-3154
Brittney Riff
Financial Aid Analyst |
(870) 391-3267
M186 |
Bryan Wheeler
Police Officer |
Brynna Mollahan
Studio Art Instructor |
Caleb Williams
Computer Support Tech |
(870) 391-3285
M149 |
Carissa Duncan
Adjunct Instructor |
Carla Jacobs
Program Director RN Program |
(870) 391-3535
M176 |
Carol Raines
Instructor |
Caroline Lester
Instructor |
Cary Hill
Network Technician |
(870) 391-3337
M149 |
Cassie Estes
Instructor |
Cassie Fisher
Instructor |
(870) 391-3318
Cathy Stanley
Skilled Trades Supervisor |
(870) 391-4600
Chad Hathaway
Program Manager/Construction Equipment Operations Instructor |
(870) 391-3192
N501 |
Chad Johnson
Department Chair Social Sciences, Fine Arts & Education |
(870) 391-3335
M154G |
Chandra Huston
Web Designer |
(870) 391-3614
M134H |
Chantel Moore
Administrative Assistant |
N21 |
Charla McDonald Jennings
Registrar & Director of Admissions |
(870) 391-3221
M185 |
Charlie Duggan
Instructor |
Chase Lawrence
Software Specialist |
(870) 391-3226
M149 |
Cherie Conner
Director of Adult Ed |
(870) 391-3517
C201 |
Cherish Watson
Instructor |
Cherri Phifer
Associate Controller |
(870) 391-3549
Cheryl Keymer
Department Chair Business & IT |
(870) 391-3225
B202 |
Chris Harris
Landscape Specialist |
(870) 391-4601
Chris McNew
Trustee |
Christian Smith
Institutional Services Assistant |
Christina Henry Yearick
Instructor |
Christine Robbins
Admin Specialist II |
Christopher Adams
Instructor |
Christopher Tanner
Instructor |
Cindy Dollard
Full-Time Faculty Art |
(870) 391-3364
Cindy Jackson
EOC Academic Advisor |
(870) 391-3129
Cindy Keenom
Admin Specialist 2 |
Cole Patton
Institutional Service Assistance |
Corey R Anderson
Instructor |
Crystal Earl
Community Ed Instructor |
Dalton Smith
Audio Video Technician |
(870) 391-3541
M149 |
Daniel Cannon
Police Officer |
Danielle Coulson
Instructor |
Danielle James
Faculty/Communications |
(870) 391-3271
M154B |
Danielle Lee
Part Time Instructor |
N21 |
Danny Ohler
Director of Physical Plant |
(870) 391-3246
Darren Young
Administrative Analyst to VPAA |
(870) 391-3199
David P Zirkle
Faculty/Construction Tech |
(870) 391-3163
N18 |
David Williams
Skills Tradesman |
Davina Hefley
Program Manager - ag娱乐官网 Technical Center |
(870) 391-3187
N14 |
Debbie Johnson
Board of Trustees |
Debi Arnold
Instructor |
Delene McCoy
Instructor |
Desiree Desjardins
TRIO SSS Tutor |
Diana Jongewaard
Instructor |
Don Tomlinson
Trustee |
Doug Stowe
Instructor |
Douglas Gere, Dr.
Arts, Soc Sci, Edu Instructor |
(870) 391-3345
M154D |
Dustin Burleson
Manufacturing Instructor |
(870) 391-3371
N104C |
Dusty Domino
Social Sci Art Educ Asst Prof |
(870) 391-3311
M100B |
Eddie Ragland
Campus Police Supervisor |
(870) 391-3306
B104 |
Elisha Conner
Men's Basketball Strength and Conditioning Coach |
Emily Akins-Sexton
Success Coach |
(870) 391-3272
Emily Rains
Instructor |
Eric Guiles
Tutor |
Erin Lieblong
Adjunct Instructor |
(870) 405-1334
M162 |
Erin Morgan
ETS Administrative Specialist III |
(870) 391-3209
MS11 |
Erin Tabor
Career Coach |
Esmeralda Sprinkle
Part Time Paraprofessional |
Faron Usrey
Science Instructor |
(870) 391-3562
Francisca Schneider
Administrative Specialist |
Gayla Sparks
Instructor |
Genie Allen
Community Education Coordinator |
(870) 391-3159
Gracie Hicks
ETS Academic Advisor |
(870) 391-3207
Grant Davis
Simulation Center Technician |
(870) 391-3534
A103B |
Hadden Barthol
Adjunct Instructor |
Hannah King
Academic Advisor/Disabilities Coordinator |
(870) 391-3204
Hayley Hunter
Assistant Soccer Coach |
Heather Thomas
Institutional Services Assistant |
Helen R Kling
Adjunct Instructor - Art Therapy |
Hillary Lacy
CNA Instructor |
Hyland McDonald
Interim Director of EMS |
(870) 391-3125
Isabel Piña
Workforce Coordinator |
(870) 391-3175
Jacki B. Kellum
Adjunct Instructor |
(870) 715-7204
Jackson Murray
Director of Employee Resource Center |
(870) 391-3295
M154M |
Jacob Ashby
Purchasing Technician |
(870) 391-3166
James Creager
Police Officer |
Jamie Stevens
Student Recruiter |
(870) 391-3101
Janet L McMurrin
Business & IT Asst Prof |
(870) 391-3126
B203 |
Jason Berger
Datacenter Administrator |
(870) 391-3349
M149 |
Jason Klipp
Instructor |
(870) 391-3104
Jason Patience
Trustee |
Jeff Smith
HVAC Instructor |
(870) 391-3382
N203E |
Jennifair Ditmanson
Practical Nursing Program Director |
(870) 391-3369
A100B |
Jennifer Baker
(870) 391-3524
Jennifer Boucher
Payroll Specialist |
(870) 391-3206
Jennifer Feighert
RN Instructor |
(870) 391-3261
A100F |
Jennifer Fleming
Instructor |
Jennifer Haddock
Director of Financial Aid |
(870) 391-3240
M185A |
Jennifer Marshall
College Store Director |
(870) 391-3610
M188 |
Jennifer Scott
EOC Academic Advisor |
(870) 391-3105
Jennifer Usrey
Science Instructor |
(870) 391-3237
S206E |
Jennifer Winkle
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor |
(870) 438-7024
C4 Center |
Jesse Manske
Director of MLT |
Jessica Bajuscak
CNA/MA Instructor |
(870) 391-3138
Jessica Butterfield
Assistant Director Financial Aid |
(870) 391-3294
M185B |
Jessica Clanton
Instructor |
Jessica McDonald
PN Instructor |
(870) 391-3260
A100B |
Jessica Wright
Administrative Specialist III |
(870) 391-3270
M168 |
Joanna Keys
Assistant Registrar |
(870) 391-3532
M185D |
Joe Malesky
Instructor |
Joelle Gribbon
TRIO SSS Tutor |
Joetta Adams
Administrative Assistant to President |
(870) 391-3214
M121 |
Johanna Massengale
Instructor |
John Gripka
Social Sci Art Educ Assoc Prof |
(870) 391-3265
M154N |
John King
Adjunct Instructor |
John Levy
Adjunct Instructor |
(870) 391-3189
EM2 |
Jon Burnside
Board of Trustees |
Jon Herbig
Head Baseball Coach/Instructor |
(870) 391-3343
Jordan Majesty
Maintenance Assistant |
Jordan R Hunter
Business Instructor |
(870) 391-3519
Josephine Porter
SSS Part Time |
Joshua Alexander
History Instructor |
(870) 391-3563
M154E |
Joshua Dale
Adult Education Instructor |
(870) 391-3313
Josiah Moore
Extra Help |
Julianna Hamblin
Advisor |
Julie Garrett
Adult Education Instructor |
(870) 391-3365
Kaila Davey
Copy Center Lead Staff |
(870) 391-3304
M188B |
Kara Arnold
Business & IT Asst Prof |
(870) 391-3315
B211 |
Kara Kiracofe
Food Prep. Manager |
Kass Gal
Institutional Services Assistant |
Kayla Howard
Assistant Women's Basketball Coach |
Kaylea Willis
Instructor |
Keith Pearman
Instructor |
Kelly Regan
Career Coach |
Kelsea Lowery
HR Program Representative |
(870) 391-3353
M125 |
Kelsey Slechta
Institutional Services Assistant |
Kendra Bradford
HESC/Nursing Lab Instructor |
A103F |
Kent Semerau
Maintenance Helper |
Kent Terry
Maintenance Technician |
Kevin Parker
Automotive Service Instructor |
(870) 391-3384
N303A |
Kim Edwards
Athletics Admin |
G200 |
Kim McGowan
RN Instructor |
(870) 391-3528
Kim Tinsley
Instructor |
(870) 391-3195
Kimberly K Brooks
Instructor |
Kris Greening
Director of Human Resources |
(870) 391-3215
M125 |
Kyle Evatt
Region 2 Prevention Provider Program Coordinator |
(870) 391-4503
Lacee S Brossman
Adjunct Instructor |
(870) 391-3125
M169 |
Lana Fowler
Business and IT Instructor |
(870) 391-3184
B212 |
Landen Sims
Grill Staff |
Landra McBee
Adjunct Instructor |
Larry Westlake
Grill Clerk |
Laura Berry
Interim Dean of Health Professions |
(870) 391-3280
M122 |
Leshia Anderson
SA Accounting Technician |
(870) 391-3168
Linda Pledger
Board of Trustees |
Linda Tamayo
Operations Coordinator Berryville |
(870) 391-3217
Lindon Newberry
Business and IT Instructor |
(870) 391-3251
Lindsey Booth
Agri Program Manager |
(870) 391-3259
Logan Amos
Lab Assistant |
(870) 391-3298
B301 |
Logan Riney
Housing Coordinator |
(870) 391-3158
Luke Feighert
Trustee |
Luke Horsley
Part Time Math Instructor |
Lyndell Deckard
Construction Equipment Operations Lab Instructor |
Macie Walters
Instructor |
(870) 391-3235
Mandy Kilbourn
Director of Institutional Effectiveness |
(870) 391-3148
M113 |
Mandy Moore
Assistant Director of Admissions |
(870) 391-3531
M185 |
Margaret Lindsey
Instructor |
Mark Glorioso
Adjunct Instructor |
Marky Silva
PT Housing |
(870) 391-3203
Martha Thompson
PN Instructor |
(870) 391-3180
A100C |
Martin Guerra-West
Instructor |
Martina Ferguson
Instructor |
Mary Thompson
Instructor |
Matt Cardin, Dr.
Vice President of Academic Affairs |
(870) 391-3316
M183 |
Matthew Presley
Instructor |
(870) 391-3131
Matthew Sheffield
Instructor |
Matthew Somers
Associate |
Matthew Urioste
Director of Career and Technical Education |
(870) 391-3513
Maxine O'Brien
Institutional Services Supervisor |
McKenzie Knighton
Lab Assistant |
Meagan Akins
Instructor |
Meagan Hoyt
Manager of Concurrent Programs |
(870) 391-3122
L111 |
Megan Fitch
Accounting Specialist |
(870) 391-3136
Mel Klipp
Social Science Instructor |
(870) 391-3342
M154N |
Melanie King
Assistant Professor Business and IT |
(870) 391-3183
Melissa Terrell
CTE Student Success Coordinator |
(870) 391-3182
Micah Walters
PT Institutional Service Assistant |
Michael Holley
NCCC Automotive Instructor |
Michael Krasowski
Grill Clerk |
Michael Mahoney
Oral Communication/Drama Instructor |
(870) 391-3144
M130 |
Michelle Buchanan
Agriculture Instructor |
(870) 391-3149
Michelle Byler
Director EOC |
(870) 391-3130
Michelle Dees
ETS Advisor |
(870) 391-3134
Michelle Palmer
Librarian |
(870) 391-3356
L103B |
Michelle Schmidt
Administrative Specialist II |
(870) 391-3284
Micki Somers
Director of Public Relations/ Assistant Director ag娱乐官网 Foundation |
(870) 391-3242
M134F |
Mikayla Hefley
Associate Bookstore Manager |
(870) 391-3170
C305 |
MiQuela Brown
ETS Academic Advisor |
(187) 039-13205
Misty Seales
Instructor |
Monica Knight
Instructor |
Monica Rios
Part Time Institutional Services |
Morgan Clemence
Assistant Softball Coach |
(870) 391-3286
G102 |
Morgan Jennings
Head Golf Coach |
Moriah Henderson
Admin Specialist ll |
(870) 391-3146
Mya Fulton
Resident Assistant |
Nancy Kuhlmann
CNA Instructor |
Nate Light
Adjunct Instructor |
(870) 391-3562
Natosha Beaver
Advisor - ETS |
(870) 391-3133
C305 |
Nell Bonds
Dean of Grants and Special Projects |
(870) 391-3181
B114 |
Nicole Clark
AVP of Finance |
(870) 391-3218
Main Street |
Nicole Shay
ETS Academic Advisor |
Niger Stice
Science Instructor |
(870) 391-3258
S206G |
Nina Lavey
GED Instructor |
Oliver Rivera
Groundskeeper & Student Recruitment |
Pam Freer
Director of ETS |
(870) 391-3210
Pam Henry
Board of Trustees |
Pam Stone
Instructor |
Pamela Watkins
Program Eligibility Specialist |
Patrick Schoenhofer
Math Instructor |
(870) 391-3336
M154F |
Patti Straub
Administrative Specialist |
(870) 391-3188
M184 |
Paul Edmondson
Payroll & Business Manager |
(870) 391-3254
MS23 |
Paula Melton
Business Instructor |
(870) 391-3128
B213 |
Pioneer Pete
Favorite College Mascot |
Pollyanna Hodges
Tutor |
Rachel Nelson
Director of Student Success |
(870) 391-3546
M184E |
Ralph Gilley
Maintenance assistant |
(870) 391-4602
Randy Scaggs
Advisor, Student Services |
(870) 391-3223
M184 |
Raquel Garcia
Instructor |
Raymond Martin
Assistant Baseball Coach |
Rebecca Martin
Director of CPI |
(870) 391-3152
C201 |
Rebecca Nicola
Faculty/Clinical Coordinator Radiology |
(870) 391-3174
M111-B |
Regina Smith
Instructor |
Rhonda Thomas
Instructor |
Richard Blackburn
Instructor |
Richard Newberry
Adjunct Instructor |
Richard Stipe
Vice President Finance & Administration |
(870) 391-3216
Main Street |
Rick Massengale
President |
(870) 391-3212
Rick Williams
Business and IT Instructor |
(870) 391-3233
B204 |
Ricky Moore
Mailroom Specialist |
(870) 391-3123
Maintenance Shop |
Ricky Tompkins
VP of Technical Education and Workforce Development |
(870) 391-3348
Rita Rogers
Testing Center Supervisor |
Rodney Arnold, Dr.
VP - Institutional Advancement |
(870) 391-3229
C501 |
Roger Hattaway
Automation and Systems Integration Instructor |
(870) 391-3375
Rose Sims
Director of TRIO/SSS Program |
(870) 391-3314
185C |
Ryan Hoffman
Director of IT Services |
(870) 391-3289
M149 |
Sally Price
Part Time GED Instructor Huntsville |
Sarah Bing
Director of Employee Resource Center |
(870) 391-3312
L103 |
Savannah Cartmell
PT ESL Instructor |
Savannah Rosner
Recruiter Specialist |
(870) 391-3102
Schan Weisman
Criminal Justice Instructor |
(870) 391-3545
Scott Kernodle
Director of Surgical Technology |
(870) 391-3269
Sean Milliken
Administrative Assistant |
Seychelle Mahoney
Softball Coach |
(870) 391-3286
G102 |
Shane Andrews
Instructor |
(870) 391-3202
Sharla Hellen
Learning Resource Center Director |
(870) 391-3560
L103A |
Shawna Moreland
Instutional Service Assistant |
Shaylin French
Grill Staff |
Sheila Tavares
Bookstore Clerk |
M188 |
Shelle Patterson
Math Instructor |
(870) 391-3301
M154D |
Shelley Dirst
English Instructor |
(870) 391-3527
154E |
Shereen Campbell
Instructor |
Sherri Hinrichs
Full-Time NAPHE Administrator |
(870) 391-4508
Sherri Plumlee
MPE Instructor |
Sherri Townsend
Science Instructor |
(870) 391-3279
S206C |
Sherrie Ray-Trevino
Instructor |
Sherry Andrews
GED Test Administrator |
Sherry Gibbany
Medical Laboratory Technology Program Director |
(870) 391-3288
A110A |
Sherry Jennings
Math Instructor |
(870) 391-3264
M134D |
Shilo Evans
PT GED Instructor |
Skyla Ventris
Institutional Services Assistant |
Spree N Ragland
Instructor |
Stacee Nuckolls
SNAP E&T Coordinator |
Stacey McMullen
MLT Workforce Assistant NARMC |
M125 |
Stacey Sokol
ETS Academic Advisor |
Stacie M Folks
Instructor |
Stacy Potter
Adjunct Instructor |
Star Waters
Career Coach |
Steve Stanley
Welding Technology Instructor |
(870) 391-3383
Steven Block
Collision Repair Instructor |
(870) 391-3372
N304A |
Steven Hunter
Adjunct Instructor |
Stormi Harrison
Paraprofessional |
Suzanne Buhr
Purchasing Officer |
(870) 391-3290
Suzanne Woods
Program Director of Rad Tech |
(870) 391-3319
M111-B |
Tammye Stahler
Education Program Coordinator |
(870) 391-3346
M129 |
Tara Smith
Administrative Specialist |
(870) 391-3194
N11 |
Tavonda Brown
Vice President Student Affairs |
(870) 391-3331
M184C |
Taylor Bridges
College Grill Assistant |
Teresa Paul
English Instructor |
M154 |
Theodore Harris
HVAC Lab Assistant |
Thomas Baker
Simulation Faculty |
Thomas R Wood
Instructor |
(870) 391-3189
Tim Coone
English Department Chair |
(870) 391-3224
M129A |
Tom Flynn
Instructor |
Traci Ohler
MPE Instructor |
Tracy Whitaker
Police Officer |
Travis Harris
Institutional Services Supervisor |
Tyler Gates
Grill Staff |
Valerie Knight
Tutor |
Valerie Martin
Department Chair Math, Science & Agriculture |
(870) 391-3327
M134E |
Vi Sims
HESC Director |
(870) 391-3127
M176 |
Vickie Ply
Instructor |
Whitney Bryner
Instructor |
William Buhr
Maintenance Supervisor |
(870) 391-3121
Witt Salley
Adjunct Faculty English |
Zachary Guiles
College Store Clerk |